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Medizant Advance

An effective medicine for bronchitis and other diseases related to lungs and respiratory system.

It has effective renal protective properties to proptect the kidneys against multiple diseases.

Rosemary present in the product strengthens the immune system and treats oxidative stress.

It is effective for people going through chemotherapy or taking arthritis medications.

It is a great product to maintain optimum blood pressure level, and get healthy joints.

The hair and skincare benefits of the product are plenty. With pea sprouts as an active component, the product is fruitful for everyone.

31 Essential Nutrients

Ganoderma is a group of polypore fungi from the category of Ganodermataceae, which involves approximately 80 species situated in the tropical regions.
Eastern medicine creates the utilization of various fungi and plants. Interestingly, this element is particularly famous.
This has various potential health advantages, including boosting am immune system & fighting cancer. However, security and safety have ve into the specific question.

Benefits of Ganoderma:

• It has been commonly utilized for various infectious diseases such as bronchitis.

• It increases the activity of T cells, triggers phagocytosis, and is a remedy for viral hepatitis.

• This ingredient has significant renal protective properties and is an excellent application candidate in numerous kidney diseases.
• Study in cancer patients has also shown that it can enhance the activity of the type of the white blood cell known as the natural Keller cells.
• Natural killer cells Generally fight cancers and infections in the human body.
• The study discovered that this element could enhance the actual number of another white blood cells in those with colorectal cancer.
• Though mast immune system advantages of this element have also been seen in those especially who are ill, some specific evidence has also shown that this can help healthy people, too.

Moringa oleifera is the fast-growing, drought-resistant, free of a family moringaceae. Common names typically include drumstick tree, moringa, ben oil and horseradish tree or the benzolive tree.

Moringa oleifera is an Indian tree utilized in traditional medicine for 1000 years.
To date, researches show that this element can lead to modest reductions in cholesterol and blood sugar. This also can have anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant effects & also protect against arsenic toxicity.

Benefits of Moringa oleferia:

• Moringaoil is very beneficial to protect the hair against some free radicals & keeps this more healthy and clean.
• Moringa Generally contains a lot of proteins, which is very helpful to protect the skin cells from anyone of injury.
• Also, this contains detoxifying and hydrating elements that will boost the immune power of hair and skin.
• High blood sugar can also be a severe health issue. This is the main characteristic of diabetes.
• Having high cholesterol has also been linked to the enhanced risk of the heart disease
• Maximum plant foods also can effectively decrease cholesterol. And these include oats, flaxseed and almonds. In every one of these products, you can find the ingredients mentioned above.

Kiwi is the organic fruit extracted from the kiwi plant, which has some natural protease enzymes, potassium, magnesium, carbohydrate, vitamin E and vitamin C, which are very important for maintaining overall health.
Kiwis are tiny fruits that pack a huge flavour and plenty of health advantages. Their green flesh is tangy and sweet. Also, it’s full of nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium and folate. Also, they have a lot of antioxidants and are an actual good source of fibre. Their tiny black seeds are also edible, as is a fuzzy brown peel, Although maximum prefer to peel tha kiwi before consuming.

Benefits of kiwi extract

• Kiwi extracts bos utilized for food and makes some medicine to prevent various diseases.
• Kiwis were discovered to stop blood clotting & also manage blood pressure by decreasing the actual amount of fat in the blood.
• Asthma can also be debilitating. Breathlessness and wheezing are some symptoms relating to specific conditions.
• Kiwis have plenty of fibre, which is already good for digestion. Also, they contain the proteolytic enzyme known as actinidin which can help to break down the protein
• Not only can kiwi fruits deliver an extra boost to our immune system, but they can also help us to control our blood pressure.
• In addition to assisting to control blood pressure, Kiwis actually can decrease blood clotting.

Arjunaristha is the herbal concoction that has been utilized as a remedy for over one thousand years. This has also comprises multiple medicinal plants & underwent the natural fermentation method before this was used for medicinal purposes.
Arjuna assists in decreasing the risk of heart diseases to quite an extent. This strengthens & tones the heart muscles & also assists in the appropriate functioning of the heart. Also, this Arjuna tree has substantial anti-hypertensive properties and helps decrease high blood pressure. For maximum benefits in heart issues, Arjuna ‘chaal’ boiled in milk should be taken one to two times a day. Arjuna assists in managing asthma, diarrhoea and cough.

Benefits of Arjuna extract:

• Can decrease the risk of cancer. Test-tube and animal researches suggest that some aspects in this arjunaristha can have anti-cancer properties.
• It can have anti-asthmatic properties. The animal research also suggests that some of the ingredients of this blend can have anti-asthmatic properties & help to decrease lung inflammation.
• This can also give a boost to the overall immune system.
• Arjuna is beneficial in the actual management of chest pain. Researches suggest that the bark of Arjuna significantly reduces chest pain by lowering the cholesterols level, that is, the stress hormone.
• Arjuna is beneficial for reducing the risk of heart diseases such as angina.
• Arjuna could also be beneficial in controlling heart diseases as this acts as the cardiotonic & also strengthen the muscles of the heart.

Hawthorn berries are small fruits that grow on shrubs and trees belonging to a crataegus genus. These nutrient-rich berries have a tray, tangy taste & mild sweetness. They also can range in color from yellow and dark red.
The berries generally contain fiber, which has been proven to aid digestion by decreasing constipation & acting as the prebiotic. Prebiotics promote and nourish healthy gut bacteria essential to managing healthy digestion.

Benefits of Hawytheon berry extract:

• Hawthorn berry is rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidant compounds discovered in plants.
• The antioxidant can help to neutralize the unstableoleciles known as free radicals, which can harm the body when they are present at high levels
• Free radicals can also come from specific foods. You can get the higher levels of those s the result of exposure to environmental toxins like air pollution & cigarette smoke.
• Some researches indicate that the hawthorn extract can improve blood cholesterol levels thanks to the pectin and flavonoid content. Thisbpectin is the type of fiber involved in cholesterol metabolism.
• People have utilized these berries & extracts for a long time to treat digestive problems, particularly stomach pain and indigestion.


Astxnathin is the keto-carotenoid with several utilization including dietary supplements & some food dye. This belongs to the larger class of the chemical compounds known as terpenes made from five-carbon precursors, dimethylallyl diphosphate, isopentenyl diphosphate.

Fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids is not the only thing from an ocean that can improve the function of the human body. Astaxanthin is the carotenoid pigment in microalgae, trout, shrimp and yeast, among other sea creatures. It can be found in the Pacific salmon and provides a pinkish color.

Benefits of Astxnathin:

• The carotenoid astaxanthin is the fat-soluble pigment with some powerful antioxidant properties, which plays a crucial role in protecting the cells from some free radicals & oxidative stress.
• Astaxanthin can also influence the immune system, activating the natural killer cells and white blood cells.
• This element can improve the overall functioning of blood cells.
• Astaxanthin affect the endurance as well as the fatigue levels after exercise
• Astaxanthin also can have the future in the treatment of severe joint pain, including conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
• Astaxanthin showed positive effects for male infertility. Over the course of 3 months, double-blind research examined thirty various men who were previously experiencing this infertility.

Beta-sitosterol is a soluble chemical found in plants, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts that is white and powdery. It belongs to the phytosterol family of chemicals, which includes molecules related to cholesterol. Because of its natural therapeutic properties, beta-sitosterol is extensively used in medicine and supplements.

Heart disease, gallstones, high cholesterol, arthritis, psoriasis, allergies, and colon cancer are all treated with beta-sitosterol. According to research, it may also help reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, relieve pain, and improve sexual performance.

Benefits of Betasitosterol:

• Beta-Sitosterol can lower LDL cholesterol while having no negative influence on the more good HDL cholesterol levels.
• This vitamin accomplishes this by lowering cholesterol levels in the intestines, allowing it to be excreted out during the waste process.
• In reality, the FDA permits food manufacturers to claim that their products containing plant sterol esters help reduce the risk of heart disease.
• Strengthening our bodies’ immunity is one of this phytosterol’s umbrella properties. We’d classify this as an umbrella quality because the immune system has a broad impact on our general health and affects the human system as a whole.
• Moderation in both good and bad lifestyle choices can be challenging to achieve, especially when we are sincerely committed to excellence.

The benefits of vitamin C have been widely publicised, but citrus bioflavonoids have been overlooked for the known nutrients in citrus fruit. They are, nonetheless, significant to be aware of.Citrus bioflavonoids are naturally occurring plant-based chemicals found in large quantities in citrus fruit.Citrus bioflavonoids are a diverse collection of chemicals and plant metabolites.

Citrus bioflavonoids are secondary plant compounds that are fragrant. They’re frequently praised for their roles in vital physiological and pharmacological processes.Citrus fruits including lemons, grapefruits, oranges, limes, and tangerines include a variety of nutrients that complement vitamin C’s effects while also acting as potent antioxidants. A group of bioactive flavonoids known as vitamin P is the most potent citrus nutrient.

Benefits of CiturusBiofalvonoids

• Citrus bioflavonoids maintain healthy blood glucose levels that are currently within normal limits.
• Maintain cholesterol levels that are currently within a healthy range.
• Promotes better kidney and liver health
• Assist the body’s natural defenses against free radicals

Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by tryptophan and the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is usually created in the pineal gland, but smaller amounts are also produced by other organs such as the stomach.

Melatonin is needed to keep your body’s circadian cycle in check, so you feel alert and energized in the mornings and tired in the evenings. That’s why you have higher melatonin levels in your blood at night and substantially lower levels in the morning.

Benefits of Melatonin

• Boosts the body’s synthesis of antioxidant enzymes, which defend against oxidative stress and help mitochondria operate.
• Its potent activity prevents cellular atrophy and protects against toxins that impair mitochondrial function, which can lead to various neurological illnesses (these are diseases caused by the progressive damage of nerve cells.)
• It aids immune system function. It offers your body the ability to fight infections, illnesses, and premature aging symptoms.
• Dueto its powerful anti-inflammatory qualities, it can also work as a stimulant in immunosuppressive disorders.
• Melatonin has the power to alter biological clocks. This makes it helpful in treating advanced and delayed sleep phase abnormalities, jet lag, and shift-work problems, among other circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
• It has an antihypertensive impact, which helps maintain blood pressure in check. Melatonin can be used as supportive therapy in patients with hypertension since it has favorable effects on several hypertension levels, including organ protection, and has few adverse effects.

Quercetin is a flavonoid or plant molecule present in apples, onions, teas, berries, and red wine. Some herbs contain it, such as ginkgo Biloba and St. John’s wort.

Quercetin is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, chemical byproducts that damage cell membranes and DNA. Quercetin, a dietary supplement, has an antihistamine (allergy-relieving) and anti-inflammatory activities.

Benefits of Qucertin:

• Quercetin is thought to inhibit the release of histamine, an inflammatory substance that causes allergy symptoms, including sneezing and itching.
• It lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This was especially noticeable in people with diabetes who were given at least 500 milligrams (mg) of insulin per day.
• Quercetin has been proven in cell culture studies to help limit the growth of some cancer cells.
• According to specific in vitro and animal studies, quercetin may protect against some cancers such as leukemia and lung cancer.

Rosemary is a plant that grows on the Salvia Rosmarinus, an evergreen shrub (formerly Rosmarinus officinalis). The rosemary plant is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used in culinary and herbal/folklore treatment for thousands of years. It is now spreading over Asia, America, and Europe.

It’s most commonly used to add earthiness and other flavors to meals. It can also make herbal teas, candles, perfumes, hair care products, and other therapeutic and domestic items.

Benefits of Rosemary Extract

• Consuming rosemary can help fight oxidative stress and strengthen the immune system due to its high content of antioxidants and bioactive compounds (including phenolic diterpenes like carnosol and caffeoyl derivatives).
• It’s also recognized for promoting good circulation and fighting inflammation, both of which can cause pain.
• The scent of rosemary, like that of other mint family herbs, is a “cognitive stimulant” that can help you feel more alert and concentrated.
• Some studies have also found that rosemary/rosemary oil chemicals have neuroprotective properties and the ability to boost memory and cognitive performance by reducing the breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain neurotransmitter that aids focus and memory.
• Rosemary (most commonly in the form of rosemary oil) is used in various hair care products to encourage hair growth and a healthy scalp since it can help with dandruff and skin irritation that leads to dryness.
• It may also reduce testosterone’s effects on hair follicles, resulting in hair loss and balding/thinning.

A section of wheat germ is created by infusing wheat kernel extract with yeast. There is no good scientific data to support the use of wheat germ extract for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), sunburn, and other illnesses.
By inhibiting cancer growth, wheat germ extract may help prevent cancer from getting worse. It may potentially have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Benefits of Wheat Germ Extract

• In comparison to chemotherapy alone, eating a unique fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) as a drink twice a day while undergoing chemotherapy helps avoid fever and white blood cell count decline in children.
• Eating a particular wheat germ extract at least once or twice per day six months while having chemotherapy helps lower the chance of mortality and stops cancer from spreading or worse.
• Drinking a particular extract of wheat germ (Avemar) as a drink once a day for 12 months coupled with dacarbazine chemotherapy improves survival in individuals with melanoma, compared to dacarbazine treatment alone.
• Consuming wheat germ (Avemar) as a drink twice a day for 12 months and steroids or other arthritis medications helps persons with arthritis minimize morning stiffness and reduce their need for steroids.

Pomegranate trees may be found in Iran and the Himalayas, and the fruit has a long history of use in the Mediterranean. For thousands of years, the fruit has been used as a medicine. Pomegranate is depicted in ancient writings as a sacred fruit that encourages abundance, fertility, and good fortune.

Pomegranate is also a frequent element in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, which is used in various treatments. They’re high in vitamins and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation and maybe prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Benefits of Pomegranate Extract

• It aids in the battle against free radical damage.
• Helps to maintain healthy joints.
• Helps toassist a healthy blood pressure level
• Helps to reduce blood pressure by preventing dangerous lipids from forming in arteries.

Did you know that sprouts, particularly pea sprouts, provide excellent hair benefits? Sprouts are unique because they are more nutritious than the beans from which they sprout. They’re considered a superfood because they’re high in nutrients and low in calories. Sprouts are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are essential for overall health. Sprouts also have the highest concentration of phytonutrients of any plant material.

Benefits of Pea Sprout Extract

• Sprouts contain several hair-growth benefits. Sprouts, for example, are a low-calorie source of vitamins C, A, zinc, selenium, and iron, all of which are essential for healthy hair growth.
• Antioxidants, which protect cells from free radical damage, are abundant in sprouts.
• Pea sprout extract has excellent hair-health advantages. Pea sprout extract has been shown in studies to help shorten the telogen or resting phase of the hair growth cycle, speeding up the transition of hair follicles into the anagen, or growing, phase.
• Consuming pea sprouts as part of a well-balanced diet is beneficial to hair. However, eating sprouts every day can become monotonous.
• To get the most out of pea sprouts’ hair benefits, apply them topically using hair care products that contain pea sprouts as an active component.

Turmeric’s therapeutic qualities are derived from numerous chemical components. Curcumin is one of the most active components of Turmeric. It has been linked to various health benefits, including pain reduction, antioxidant capabilities, and anti-inflammatory qualities. On the other hand, Turmeric contains extremely little Curcumin as a whole, making it ineffective as a treatment. Curcumin supplements can help in this situation.
Nano Curcumin supplements are more effective because the various forms of nanocarriers allow the chemical component to act faster without degrading. As a result, it stays in our system longer and heals more quickly.

Benefits of Nano Curcumin Extract

• The benefits of Nano Curcumin include treating disorders caused by inflammation and excessive oxidation in humans, such as joint problems, muscular pain, and heart/brain ailments, among others.
• It assists us by minimizing aging symptoms and lowering the risk of chronic diseases caused by cell aging due to its antioxidant characteristics.
• Nano Curcumin also aids ladies suffering from premenstrual syndrome by preventing skin cells and tissues from contracting due to its interaction with free radicals.
• Helps to heals wounds more quickly than natural alternatives. Patients with arthritis benefit from Nano Curcumin because it relieves soreness in joints and muscles.
• Used to utilized to treat and prevent various types of cancer depending on the nanoparticles used to encapsulate it.

EGCG, also known as epigallocatechin gallate, is a catechin-like chemical found in plants. Catechins are a plant component that belongs to a broader group known as polyphenols.
EGCG and other related catechins are potent antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage.

Free radicals are highly reactive particles produced by your body that can harm your cells when in excess. Antioxidant-rich foods, such as catechins may reduce free radical damage.EGCG is found naturally in various plant-based foods, but it is also offered as a dietary supplement in the form of an extract.

Benefits of Epigallocatechin Gallate

• EGCG is well-known for its high antioxidant properties and ability to alleviate stress and inflammation.
• It protects your cells from oxidative stress-related damage and inhibits the function of pro-inflammatory substances produced by your body, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha).
• Antioxidant EGCG may help to protect heart health by lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and plaque buildup in blood vessels, all of which are key risk factors for heart disease.
• Helps to lose weight, especially when combined with the caffeine found in green tea.

Extract of Crocus chrysanthus is a crocus flower extract obtained from the bulb. The principal extracellular structural protein in the skin’s dermis, collagen, decreases with age. Elastin fibers in the dermis, essential for skin suppleness, deteriorate with age. Fibroblasts, the most prevalent connective tissue cell, produce both of these structural components of the skin. Keratinocytes, which live on the skin’s surface, communicate with fibroblasts deep within the dermis, causing them to produce more collagen and elastin.

Crocus chrysanthus extracts improve skin firmness in human clinical research, and it also boosted the collagen and elastin fiber content of the skin in another.

Benefits of CorcusChyrosanthus Extract

• Increases the formation of collagen and elastin
• Stimulates the skin’s natural growth components
• Improves the skin’s elasticity and suppleness.
• Reverses the effects of aging
• Improves the texture of the skin
• Stretch marks are visibly reduced.

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like molecule present in the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas, among other places. Small levels of it are found in meats and shellfish. Fluid buildup in the body and heart failure(CHF or congestive heart failure), chest pain (angina), and high blood pressure are the most prevalent disorders for which coenzyme Q10 is utilized.

The “Q10” refers to the substance’s chemical composition.Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like molecule essential for the correct functioning of numerous organs and chemical reactions in the body.

Benefits of Coenzyme Q10

• Oral coenzyme Q10 appears to alleviate symptoms of mitochondrial myopathies. On the other hand, signs are taking a long time to improve.
• Some people need to take coenzyme Q10 for six months to receive the best benefit.
• It aids in the provision of energy to cells.
• Coenzyme Q10 appears to have antioxidant properties which boosts the overall health
• It’s also used to treat migraine headaches, Parkinson’s disease, and various other ailments.

Centella Asiatica, often known as Asiatic pennywort or Gotu kola, is a Southeast Asian tropical plant that has long been used as a medicinal herb to cure various diseases. In the nineteenth century, Centella Asiatica and its extracts were used to treat eczema, psoriasis, varicose ulcers, lupus, and leprosy.

The saponins (or triterpenoids) contained in Centella Asiatica, such as asiaticoside, Asiatic acid, madecassoside, and metastatic acid, are primarily responsible for Centella Asiatica’s skin benefits. Fatty acids, flavonoids, vitamin B, vitamin C, and amino acids are all present in the chemical makeup of Centella Asiatica.

Benefits of Centaliaastitica extract

• Centella Asiatica has been used to treat and maintain wound cleanliness for ages.
• This is particularly useful for those who regularly utilize chemical peels or microneedle treatments.
• 1% Centella Asiatica into a product can significantly reduce the severity of cutaneous infection.
• The relaxing qualities of Centella Asiatica, along with its anti-inflammatory properties, make it an excellent choice for treating eczema and psoriasis flare-ups.
• Aid in the reduction of scarring and acne scarring.
• Collagen production increases, discoloration decreases, and irritation is reduced when using a product containing Centella regularly.

This potent plant belongs to the Solanaceae family and has been used in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka for over 4,000 years. Ashwagandha is a Medharasayan, an Ayurvedic term for foods and nutrients that help with learning and memory recall.

It’s also known as “Indian Ginseng,” and it’s been used for centuries to treat debility, emaciation, impotence, and premature aging. The aphrodisiac characteristics of Ashwagandha are alluded to in its name, which roughly translates to “the fragrance and vigor of a horse.” This plant is also referred to as a tonic and an adaptogen. In the Middle East, Ashwagandha is utilized to support standard sleep patterns and a balanced inflammatory response due to its possible benefits in sleep.

Benefits of AshwgandhaExtract

• Ashwagandha helps to block the stress pathway altering chemical communication in the neurological system.
• Helps to reduce problems like anxiety and insomnia.
• According has chemicals that may aid in treating cancer. Extracts in the spice appear to restrict or suppress the activity of cancer cells in colon, breast, ovarian, prostate, lung, and brain tumors. Thyroid, gastric, cervical, and skin (melanoma) cancers all respond similarly.

Alpha-lipoic acid, or ALA, is a nutrient your body can produce. This molecule is crucial in the creation of energy. While many people are currently trying various ALA supplements, your body can manufacture enough ALA to meet your needs when your overall health is vital.

Experts believe that increasing your Alpha lipoic extract consumption would aid in the treatment of diseases like HIV, diabetes, and weight loss. Let’s learn more about its advantages.

Benefits of Alpha lipoic Extract

• ALA can be found in yeast, broccoli, spinach, and organ meats like the heart and liver which helps to activate antioxidative activity in your body
• It can help with type 2 diabetes management. It increases your body’s capacity to control blood sugar levels by allowing it to use its insulin.
• It may also help alleviate the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, commonly known as diabetic neuropathy, which is a type of nerve damage caused by diabetes.
• One of the many advantages of alpha-lipoic acid promotes good vision. Studies have shown ALA supplements to help prevent cataracts by lowering oxidative stress.
• It may also aid in the prevention of glaucoma-related vision loss. Combining vitamin E and lipoic acid may also help to reduce retinal cell loss.

Sea buckthorn oil also has been utilised for years as a natural remedy against multiple ailments.
This is extracted from berries, seeds and leaves of a sea buckthron plant, a tiny shrub that grows at very high altitudes in the northwest Himalayan region.

A famous remedy medicine, this can deliver Health benefits ranging from supporting your own heart to protecting against stomach ulcers, skin and diabetes.
A few test-tube & animal researches also suggest that these extracts can effectively stop the spread of cancer cells.

Benefits of sea bukthron extract:

• This can help decrease the risk factors of heart problems, including blood pressure, blood clots & blood cholesterol levels.
• Animal research suggests that this can help reduce blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin secretion & insulin sensitivity.
• Compounds in the sea buckthron oil can also boost the skin’s overall health while applied directly.
• Sea buckthron oil can help to protect the human body against infections.
• Sea buckthron oil also can contribute to a healthy liver.
• This contains vitamin E, Healthy fats and carotenoids, which can safeguard lover cells from injury.
• Compounds also present in the sea buckthorn oil can help to fight cancer. Flavonoids & antioxidants in oil can alps cause these protective effects.

Spirulina is among the most famous supplements.
This is loaded with several nutrients & antioxidants which can benefit the brain & body.
Interestingly, an antioxidant in the spirulina appears to be particularly effective at reducing the lipid peroxidationbin both animals and humans.

In research in 47 people with type 2 diabetes, eight grams of spirulina per day significantly decreased an oxidative injury. Also, this enhances the levels of Antioxidant enzymes in the blood.

Benefits of spirulina extract:

• Spirulina is an organism that grows in both salt and fresh water
• This is the type of cyanobacteria, which is the family of single-celled microbes which are sometimes referred to as blue-green algae.
• This injury can drive chronic inflammation, which contributes to several diseases and cancer.
• Spirulina is a fantastic source of antioxidants that can also protect against oxidative damage
• Maximum risk factors are also linked to the enhanced risk of heart disease.
• Spirulina positively impacts maximum factors. This can lower the total cholesterol and raise “good” HDL cholesterol.

Chlorophyll plays an essential role in creating plants green & healthy. Also, this has antioxidants, vitamins & therapeutic properties, which have the most potential to benefit the human body.

You can also get chlorophyll from either supplements or plants, though supplements can be much more effective. It is because chlorophyll cannot survive digestion long enough for absorption.Chlorophyll supplements are chlorophyll that contains copper instead of magnesium. While doses of chlorophyllin are also taken, copper can also be detected in plasma, which implies the absorption has happened.

Benefits of chlorophyll:

• Chlorophyllin has also shown the possible effects to deduct the inflammation & the bacterial growth in the skin wounds.
• Some people also suggest that the liquid chlorophyll can alps build the blood by improving the actual quality of the red blood cells
• Researchers have also looked into the effect of chlorophyllin and chlorophyll on cancer.
• One animal research source in the trout discovered that, depending on the specific dose, the chlorophyll reduced the incidence of liver tumors by twenty-nine to sixty-three and stomach tumors by twenty-four to forty-five per cent.
• One of the most famous claims associated with liquid chlorophyll is weight loss support. However, study into this specific topic is recently very limited.

Milk thistle is the herbal remedy derived from this milk thistle plant, also known as the Silybum marianum.This prickly plant also has distinctive white veins and purple flowers that traditionally stories say we’re reasoned by the drop of this virgin Mary’s milk falling onto the leaves of this.

Active ingredients in this milk thistle are plant compounds collectively known as silymarin.
The herbal remedy is known as the milk thistle extract. The milk thistle extract has high silymarin concentrated from mill thistle milk.

Benefits of milk Thistle Extract:

• Milk thistle has been utilized as the traditional remedy for neurological conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease for over two thousand years
• Milk thistle is promoted for the liver-protecting effects of this
• The regular use of this as the complementary Therapy by people who have liver problems due to some specific conditions such as alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis and even liver cancer, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
• Usually, this develops slowly over the number of years & reasons weal & fragile bones that break easily, even after some minor falls
• Milk thistle has also been shown in the experimental test- tube and the animal studies for stimulating bone mineralization & potentially being protective against bone loss
• It’s been also suggested that the antioxidant effects of silymarin can have some anti-cancer effects, which could be also helpful for people receiving cancer treatment

Superoxide dismutase is the enzyme discovered in every living cell. The enzyme is the substance that speeds up some specific chemical reactions in the human body. The superoxide dismutase, which is utilized as the medicine, is often taken from the cows

Superoxide dismutase is also taken by mouth for erasing wrinkles, rebuilding tissue & extending the actual length of life. However, there is no particular evidence that the human body also absorbs superoxide dismutase products taken by mouth.
This sterile solution containing the superoxide dismutase is often applied directly to the eyes for treating ulcers on a cornea.

Benefits of superoxide dismutae:

• Superoxide dismutase is the enzyme that helps to break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells that could prevent damage to tissues.
• This is being researched to see if this can help 5hw conditions where oxygen molecules are trusted to play a role in many diseases.
• This can help recover rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, lung problems in newborn infants.
• This can reduce the damage after the heart attack
• This can improve the eyesight and boost the i.munity power so that a human can get rid of any weakness.
• Help to recover sports injuries, gout, cancer and assist the people in tolerating any relationship therapy.

Prebiotics and probiotics are both pretty important topics in nutrition these days. Yet even though they actually should be the same, the two play various roles in health.
Probiotics are also beneficial to bacteria, and prebiotics is food for those bacteria. We will also explain what you require to know about the two probiotics. These are the live bacteria discovered in certain supplements or foods. They can also deliver numerous health advantages. And prebiotics comes from types of carbs that hams cannot digest. The beneficial bacteria in the gut eat this fiber.

Eating balanced amounts of probiotics and prebiotics can help ensure that you have the right balance of these bacteria to keep your gut microbiota healthy.

Benefits of probiotics and prebiotics complex:

• Good bacteria in the digestive tract help to protect you from harmful fungi and bacteria
• Keeping the gut bacteria balanced is essential for various aspects of health
• Additionally, some gut bacteria from vitamin K & short-chain fatty acids
• Short-chain fatty acids are the main nutrient source of cells lining a colon. They promote the strong gut barrier, which helps keep harmful substances, bacteria and viruses. Also, this helps to reduce inflammation & can have the potential to decrease the risk of cancer

The green leafy plant is also famous holy basil. This has a history within medicine as the treatment for many conditions, from eye diseases to the ringworms.

From leaves to seed, this is also considered the tonic of the human body, spirit and mind. Various parts of a plant are also recommended to treat different conditions.

Benefits of santmumocium:

• Every part of this plant act as a th3 adaptogen. The adaptogen is the natural substance that helps the body adapt to stress & also promotes mental balance.
• Human researchers say this can reduce stress, sexual problems, forgetfulness, sleep problems and exhaustion
• Also, this is high in antioxidants and assists the body in the detoxifying process. Researchers believed that this could protect the body against toxic chemicals.
• Extracts made from the leaves of this are thought to boost the wound healing speed & strength. This holy basil is also antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory
• Many people use this after their surgery to protect and heal their wound. This can enhance the wound’s healing time, breaking strength and contraction.

Syzgium is an essential spire of nutraceuticals having many therapeutic values. This also can be truly known as the essential underutilised fruit crop in terms of area expansion and research. However, these fruits act as miracle fruits in combating maximum health hazards. Apart from these fruits, other parts such as bark, leaves, flowers, seed & roots are also rich sources of various bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, Antioxidants, phenolics, vitamins and carotenoids.

Benefits of Syzgiumcumini berry extract:

• These can be utilised efficiently against antibacte, hypoglycaemic, anti-viral, anti-HIV, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
• This can also be utilised as the potential source of medicine in both Unani and Ayurveda systems. Now in these modern days nanotechnology field has been emerged as a new area having a vast lot related to the drug delivery, medicine, and pharmaceutical industries.
• These elements can attempt to collect a lot of positive reviews through this.
• This is loaded with iron, and vitamin C, which can enhances hemoglobin. With an increased number of haemoglobin, the blood will carry more oxygen to organs & keep you healthy.
• This has some astringent property that keeps your skin acne-free. You also should consume this if you have oily skin, as this will help you keep the skin clear and fresh.


The product contributes in boosting the functioning of brain cells and acts as an antidepressant.

It has plethoras of skin benefits. The antifungal and astringent properties will keep your acne away and gives you a clear skin.

It boost your energy levels and keeps the bads like sugar, cholestrol, and increased weight under control.

It strengthens the blood vessels and keeps blood flow smooth to keep your heart healthy.

Astaxanthin present in the product is a boon for male fertility.

Ingredients of Fabucell

• Delays senescence of the essential cells
• Enhances the vitality of the skin stem cells
• Combats the chronological aging

• Protect the skin stem cells against the UV stress
• Enhances the UV tolerance of the skin
• Fights against aging
• Very much essential for the vital & healthy-looking skin

Acerola cherry powder:

Acerola cherry powder is well-known for being extremely rich in vitamin C. Because of this, it has often been utilized to help with or stop flu or colds. Also, this has been used as antioxidant nutrients.
This is extremely rich & also a bio-available source of the natural vitamin C. Created from the real Acerola Cherries. This specific powder is also loaded with maximum vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Other uses of Acerola cherry powder include:

• Antidepressant
• Antifungal
• Athletic endurance
• Diarrhea
• Dysentery
• Skin astringent

Goji berries have achieved immense popularity these days, sometimes promoted as the “superfood.” This is full of nutritional value. And you can get anti-ageing advantages.

Benefits of these ingredients:

• Can improve the function of blood sugar control
• Can give a boost the energy levels
• It can help you to lose the weight
• Can improve the cholesterol levels

This can provide some positive impact on eye health, which include:

Zeaxanthin and Lutein can filter the harmful high-energy blue wavelengths of light & help to protect & maintain the healthy cells in the eyes. Of the six hundred carotenoids discovered in nature, only these two are also deposited in the high quantities in the eye’s retina.

Lutein is the carotenoid with the reported anti-inflammatory properties. The large body of evidence shows that Lutein has various beneficial effects, especially eye health. In this particular, Lutein is also known to improve or prevent an age-related muscular disease that is the leading reason for blindness & vision impairment.

The following benefits have been seen from the research studies into these bilberries:

• Improves the blood circulation
• Strengthens the blood vessels
• Treats diarrhea

Astxnathin is the keto-carotenoid with several utilization including dietary supplements & some food dye. This belongs to the larger class of the chemical compounds known as terpenes made from five-carbon precursors, dimethylallyl diphosphate, isopentenyl diphosphate.

Fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids is not the only thing from an ocean that can improve the function of the human body. Astaxanthin is the carotenoid pigment in microalgae, trout, shrimp and yeast, among other sea creatures. It can be found in the Pacific salmon and provides a pinkish color.

Benefits of Astxnathin:

• The carotenoid astaxanthin is the fat-soluble pigment with some powerful antioxidant properties, which plays a crucial role in protecting the cells from some free radicals & oxidative stress.
• Astaxanthin can also influence the immune system, activating the natural killer cells and white blood cells.
• This element can improve the overall functioning of blood cells.
• Astaxanthin affect the endurance as well as the fatigue levels after exercise
• Astaxanthin also can have the future in the treatment of severe joint pain, including conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
• Astaxanthin showed positive effects for male infertility. Over the course of 3 months, double-blind research examined thirty various men who were previously experiencing this infertility.

• Maximum human research had utilized the supplements which contain high levels of Resveratrol
• Resveratrol supplements can help to lower blood pressure
• This has a positive effect on the blood fats

Alpha-lipoic acid, or ALA, is a nutrient your body can produce. This molecule is crucial in the creation of energy. While many people are currently trying various ALA supplements, your body can manufacture enough ALA to meet your needs when your overall health is vital.

Experts believe that increasing your Alpha lipoic extract consumption would aid in the treatment of diseases like HIV, diabetes, and weight loss. Let’s learn more about its advantages.

Benefits of Alpha lipoic Extract

• ALA can be found in yeast, broccoli, spinach, and organ meats like the heart and liver which helps to activate antioxidative activity in your body
• It can help with type 2 diabetes management. It increases your body’s capacity to control blood sugar levels by allowing it to use its insulin.
• It may also help alleviate the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, commonly known as diabetic neuropathy, which is a type of nerve damage caused by diabetes.
• One of the many advantages of alpha-lipoic acid promotes good vision. Studies have shown ALA supplements to help prevent cataracts by lowering oxidative stress.
• It may also aid in the prevention of glaucoma-related vision loss. Combining vitamin E and lipoic acid may also help to reduce retinal cell loss.

This Glutathione is the antioxidant in animals, plants, fungi & some archaea & bacteria. This can also prevent any damage to the essential cellular components caused by the reactive oxygen species like peroxides, radicals, heavy metals and lipid peroxides.

Advantages of Glutathione

• Decreases the oxidative stress
• Can improve psoriasis
• Reduces the cell damage in the alcoholic & the nonalcoholic fatty liver issue
• Improves the insulin resistance in the aged individuals
• Enhances mobility for people with the peripheral artery disease
• Decreases the symptoms of Parkinson
• It can also help to fight against autoimmune diseases.


If years of poor lifestyle habits have started to show on your health and vitality… It’s time you start taking Remedium.

Brings back the youth energy in you and makes you the young buck like you used to be.

It relaxes your brain and helps deal with the effects of ageing in your private life. 

Fills you up with energy and keeps fatigue and dizziness away from you. 

You feel the vigour to do your daily chores to the best of your ability and you feel the same stamina in bed.

Ingredients of Remedium

The benefits and medicinal properties of this highly priced spice, make it a valuable culinary ingredient worldwide. Modern research suggests that saffron can be used as an aphrodisiac, diaphoretic [to cause sweating], carminative [to prevent gas] and to bring on mensuration. Some other benefits are mentioned here under:

A Powerful Antioxidant

Protects against cancer
Promotes learning and memory retention
To increase vitality
In delayed puberty

Improves heart health: Swarna bhasma is said to help improve blood flow and strengthen the heart muscles. It can also regulate blood pressure while helping to cleanse and detoxify the arteries and veins.

Combats indigestion: Swarna bhasma helps clear the toxic accumulations within the body to combat the microbial infections in the stomach lining that cause indigestion.

Treats fevers and infections: Swarna bhasma has antipyretic properties that can help treat fevers and infections. It has been used in Ayurvedic treatments for fevers for centuries.

Purifies blood: A less known benefit of Swarna bhasma is its ability to act as a blood purifier by removing toxins from the blood.

Improves mental health: Swarna bhasma has anti-stress and anti-depression properties which can help you deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It works by reducing inflammation in the brain while also supporting brain health.

Relieves conjunctivitis symptoms: Swarna bhasma helps reduce and relieve symptoms of conjunctivitis including the well-known itching, redness, and burning sensations.

Improves immunity: Swarna bhasma strengthens your immune system using its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It also helps relieve immune-deficiency symptoms like fatigue, fever, muscle mass loss, and weakness.

Improves sexual wellness: Swarna bhasma is well-known for its positive effect on erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It can also boost sexual stamina and sperm count while acting as a natural aphrodisiac.

The formulation is typically indicated for improving men’s health. The gutika has powerful spermatogenic and apphrodisiac properties that are extremely beneficial for treating erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, oligospermia (i.e. low sperm count), hypospermia (low volume of semen), asthenozoospermia (i.e. sperm motility), teratospermia (i.e. abnormal sperm shape) and enhances spermatogenesis (i.e. sperm production). The medication, being a natural antioxidant improves the production of male hormones like testosterone and luteinizing hormone. It effectively stimulates blood supply to the penile tissue and induces erection. Being a natural aphrodisiac, it helps in reducing mental stress and anxiety and stimulates the hormones for increasing libido. It also increases virility and stamina in men.

• Remedies Male Sexual Disorders

• Promotes Cardiac Functioning

• Slows Ageing Process

• Relieves Stress And Anxiety

• Treats Pain And Inflammation

• Skin astringent

• Alzheimer’s disease

• Low testosterone level

• Chronic fatigue syndrome

• Iron deficiency anemia

• Infertility

• Heart health

Safed musli’s botanical name is C. Borivilianum, which belongs to the Liliaceae family. It’s a tropical herb found in peninsular India’s moist woodlands. It’s been used for a long time to treat arthritis, cancer, diabetes, increase vitality, improve sexual function, and a variety of other ailments.

Benefits of Safed Musli

By raising libido, safe musli may assist in improvement of sexual performance. It also aids in the increase of testosterone levels.
According to a study, safed musli can also prevent premature ejaculation and boost sperm count. As a result, safed musli is utilized as an aphrodisiac and revitalizer.
Safed musli has spermatogenic properties, which helps improve sperm quality and count. It also raises testosterone levels, which improves blood flow to the genitals and allows for longer erections.
Thus, it is effective in male infertility and other sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction.

Kaunch Beej is used to treat a variety of ailments. Since ancient times in Ayurveda, Kaunch Beej has been significantly known to be used as an aphrodisiac (a substance that increases sexual desire). In addition to this, it is also used to treat male infertility. Some of the other therapeutic uses are:

Recently, the velvet beans were found possess an active phenolic component, L-dopa that is used to treat Parkinson’s disease.
The Kaunch Beej has anti – venomous activity that provides immunization against snake bites.
The extract of its could also be used as an antidote to scorpion sting.
It is also found that Kaunch beej oil acts has anti-parasitic property and anti-microbial property and can act as broad-spectrum antibiotic.
Kaunch Beej is an excellent source of protein, hence could be used to treat debility (physical weakness).
It has been used widely to treat dysentery, uterine disorders, leucorrhoea and biliousness (nausea and vomiting).
The extracts of the seeds possess an excellent component that reduces the plasma glucose level in diabetes patients.

Ashwagandha is part of a class of plants called adaptogens known for their health benefits when ingested as teas, powders, tinctures and supplements, or in their raw forms.

Also known as Indian ginseng, winter cherry or by its scientific name Withania somnifera, ashwagandha is a herbal shrub whose roots and berries are used for their medicinal properties.

• Relieves Stress and Anxiety
• Lowers Blood Sugar and Fat
• Increases Muscle and Strength
• Improves Sexual Function in Women
•Boosts Fertility and Testosterone Levels in Men

Gokshura, also known as Gokhru, is an Indian Ayurvedic herb derived from the Gokshura plant (called Tribulus). Gokshura is derived from the dried fruits of the Gokshura plants. It is also known as Nature’s Viagra due to its benefits for men’s sexual health.

•Improves your sex drive by boosting testosterone
•Plays a crucial role in bodybuilding
•Benefits men’s sperm health
•Solves urinary tract related issues
•Helps treat kidney and kidney stones

Akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum) is an herb with several medicinal uses. This herb is used in Ayurveda, Unani and herbal medication tradition and belongs to the Asteraceae family of plants. Its botanical name is Anacyclus Pyrethrum. This herb is also widely used in the science of Homeopathy . Known for its aphrodisiac effect on the body, the plant has many other benefits and is used in the form of dried powder.

Primarily, Akarkara acts a good aphrodisiac and increases the physical strength and reduces the premature ejaculation problem in men.

When taken in specified dosages with its libido stimulant properties Akarkara increases the production of testosterone hormone in male thereby enhancing the fertility and sperm count.

This root acts a good medicine to treat impotency and erectile dysfunction in men.

The root boiled with oil is used in body massages to cure hemiplegia and nerve disability.

The pungent effect of the Akarkara decoction works wonders in treating toothaches, dental problems and tonsillitis.

Akarkara Nasya is given to patients who are suffering from chronic cold and rhinitis.

Using Akarkara helps regulate the body metabolism by expelling the toxic body fluids.

Delayed speech development issues in children can be treated with the powder made from Akarkara.

Amla, a powerhouse of nutrients, is consumed in many forms in India from pickles, murabbas, candies, juice, chyawanprash to name a few. A cardiovascular tonic, an immunity booster, amla is also known for its anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

• Boosts immunity
• Purifies blood
• Regulates blood sugar levels
• Improves Digestion
• Good for mental health

Female Reproductive Health
Shatavari supports women through every stage of their lives. The main constituents of Shatavari are steroidal saponins that suggest its use as an estrogen regulator. This modulation helps to regulate menstrual cycles, manage PMS symptoms, alleviate menstrual cramps, and control the amount of blood lost. It may help with fluid retention and uncomfortable bloating often suffered before a period.

It has antioxidant properties
Antioxidants help prevent free-radical cell damage. They also battle oxidative stress, which causes disease. Shatavari is high in saponins. Saponins are compounds with antioxidant abilities.

Helps with Breast milk production
Young mothers usually find it difficult to breastfeed their newborns due to very little milk production. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as anemia, low blood pressure, or simply stress. Taking Shatavari every day helps to facilitate and regulate milk production. This method is ideal for the nourishment of young babies so that their immune system becomes stronger. Shatavari is a natural herb so it doesn’t cause any harm to the child.

Reduces mood swings
Mood swings are more common in women than in men. This can occur due to menstruation, pregnancy or hormonal problems. Mood swings can not only spoil our mood but also make it difficult for us to interact with people. Taking Shatavari on a regular basis can help to combat mood swings easily.

Can assist in fertility issues
Becoming a parent is one of the most joy happiest experiences in someone’s life, but sadly for some people fertility problems restrict them from leading a happy life. Shatavari contains beneficial ingredients, so by consuming it fertility problems can be kept at bay and the chances of conception becomes high as it is a powerful herb.

Gastric problems can be cured
Shatavari is known to treat gastric problems. The dried roots of Shatavari are turned into powder and it can be made into a juice. The consumption of this juice is ideal to cure ulcers and other ailments occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. If this plant is consumed regularly, it can also cure gastroparesis.

Acts as a diuretic
Shatavari aids to fight against urinary tract problems and infections. It also maintains the health of the urinary bladder. Aside from this, regular consumption of Shatavari can help to reduce kidney stones in size and sometimes cure it completely.

Immune System Support
Research has shown that Shatavari plays a very important role in stimulating immune cells. This is assumed to be due to the steroidal plant compound contained within the root “sapogenin”, a potent immune stimulator. It increases the body’s resistance during normal and immune-suppressed conditions, helping to boost immunity during immune-suppressed conditions and aiding in the recovery of the immune system itself. Sapogenins will also stimulate the cells that fight infection, reducing the overall population of infection-causing cells.

Guduchi, one of the most valued herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacy, is considered an effective treatment for a wide range of ailments—everything from the common cold to skin conditions. Discover how you can use it.

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), also known as amrit, is one of the most valued herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacy. According to myth, when the ancient gods churned the primordial ocean, an ambrosial nectar was created that would grant immortality to any who drank it. The nectar was named amrit, a Sanskrit word that means “imperishable.”

Ability to balance blood sugar
Relieve fever and spasms
Fight inflammation
Carry out antioxidant functions
Promote joint health
Calm allergic reactions
Reduce stress
Protect the kidneys
Support the immune system

Maintains Kidney Health
Makhana ensure kidney health by controlling the blood flow and regulating urination.

They detoxify and cleanse the spleen. It helps in flushing out all the toxins from the body.

Healthy Heart
Makhana are rich in vital nutrients like magnesium, protein, calcium, and carbohydrates.

Fox nuts also have low sodium and fat content, which helps to regulate blood pressure.

Detoxifies Liver
Our liver detoxifies our body by eliminating all the waste.

Makhanas help the liver to function properly and enhance metabolism.

Good For Diabetic Patients
Makhana help regulate blood sugar levels.

They have low calorie and glycaemic indexes, which help diabetic patients to maintain their sugar levels.

Make Bones Strong
Makhana are rich in calcium. Calcium improves bone and cartilage health, lubricates your bones and joints, and prevents degenerative bone diseases.

Consume fox nuts daily with milk to improve your bone health and density.

Weight Loss
Makhana are low in cholesterol and calories and thus helps you maintain the perfect weight.

Unlike other fried or packaged snack options, fox nuts do not add to weight issues.

Hormonal Balance
Makhana help to maintain hormonal balance in your body.

During menstruation, makhanas help to keep those cravings in check and prevent overeating. They also help in dealing with premenstrual symptoms.

Keeps Digestive System Healthy
Our body requires fibre for proper digestion. Makhanas are packed with fibre, which ensures the smooth functioning of the digestive system.

If you suffer from digestive problems like constipation or hard stools, include fox nuts in your daily diet.

Good for Fertility
Makhanas maintain hormonal balance in our bodies.

They are great for female fertility and ensure the proper functioning of all female reproductive organs. Regular consumption of makhanas boosts female reproductive health.

Prevents Inflammation
Makhanas has a compound called ‘kaempferol’ that helps in minimizing inflammation in the body.

Regular use of fox nuts can help cure inflammation.

Prevents Ageing
Makhana are loaded with antioxidants and amino acids, which prevent early ageing.

Antioxidants present in makhanas help to keep the skin healthy and glowing

All the parts of Kokilaksha including leaves, seeds, and roots are used for its medicinal purposes. According to Ayurveda, Kokilaksha pacifies vitiated Vata and Pitta dosha. It has a sweet taste and cold potency. This plant has lupeol, stigmasterol, and hydrocarbons. The seeds of this plant are rich in sterols and the flowers of this plant have apigenin glucuronide. It also has anti-hyperuricemic, anti-rheumatic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, carminative, and hepatoprotective properties. Here are a few health benefits of Kokilaksha.

•Kokilaksha for sexual health
One of the potent health benefits of Kokilaksha is its ability to treat impotence in men. It is a natural aphrodisiac. The seeds powder of this plant is helpful for maintaining good sexual health in men. It increases male fertility by improving sperm count and strength.

Kokilaksha for Diabetes
The chemical compounds present in Kokilaksha help lower the blood sugar level by protecting the insulin-producing cells. Due to its antioxidant properties, Kokilaksha is also used in the treatment of renal calculi.

Kokilaksha for increased urine production
Kokilaksha promotes increased production of urine. It has diuretic properties that can relieve one from the difficulty of passing urine. The cold-infusion of the seeds of this plant is given to persons who are suffering from low urine output.

Kokilaksha for immunity
Consuming Kokilaksha regularly can strengthen your body and boost your immune system. It improves the body’s ability to metabolize by activating cell enzyme pathways. It also aids in easy recovery from wounds and inflammation in the body.

Kokilaksha for Jaundice
Kokilaksha is loaded with antioxidants and hepatoprotective properties. It protects the liver against the damage caused by free radicals. It also improves bile secretion. Thus, it is effective in the management of Jaundice.

Kokilaksha is one of the important herbs in Ayurveda that is loaded with medicinal properties. Thus, by using the potent health benefits of Kokilaksha effectively, we can lead a healthy and happy life.

Jaiphal for better libido/sex drive
Nutmeg extract is known for healthy libido-enhancing effects. Clinical investigations have shown that regular supplementation of nutmeg within the set dose limit led to intensified sexual activity and a significant increase in desire for sex in a sustained manner. Add a pinch of Jaiphal powder to milk or tea to spice up your sexual life.

Jaiphal for skin and hair
The antimicrobial properties of nutmeg help to treat acne and pimples, while the anti-inflammatory properties clear blemishes and marks. Jaiphal also makes the skin look younger, reduces wrinkles, and gives it a lighter tone. Nutmeg works wonders for hair by treating damaged scalp and eliminating dandruff.

Jaiphal for the brain
The primary compound found in nutmeg is myristicin, which hinders the action of an enzyme that is responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. It also eases mental stress, apart from improving your memory. Add this spice to your meals as it acts as an efficient natural remedy to combat anxiety and depression.

Jaiphal for pain relief
The essential oils present in nutmeg can be used to relieve pain as they have anti-inflammatory properties. The phytosterols in nutmeg reduce inflammation of the joints and relieve rheumatic pains. According to experts, chloroform extract of nutmeg has antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties which are useful in relieving swelling and inflammation in patients with rheumatic pain.

Jaiphal as an antioxidant
Nutmeg contains antioxidants such as Vitamin C which helps boost the immune system. It also prevents the formation of free radicals which help prevent cellular damage and protect against chronic diseases.

Jaiphal for digestion
If you suffer from indigestion, acidity, and constipation often, then you can consume nutmeg. It is rich in fibre content and helps in bowel movement, and eliminates gas from the body. It also arouses the secretion of digestive enzymes in your body and offers relaxation.

Jaiphal for insomnia
If you are not able to sleep, then you can add nutmeg toyour diet as it offers a natural cure for insomnia. Jaiphal’s calming and sedative properties provide relaxation to the brain and aids you in getting a sound sleep. It also provides de-stressing effects.

Jaiphal for toothache
The essential oils and bioactive compound, eugenol in nutmeg relieve toothache and prevent tooth decay. Nutmeg oil is also very effective against bad breath.

Jaiphal for cancer
Nutmeg’s compounds hinder aspects of a cancer cell’s metabolism, thus killing malignant cells while sparing healthy, normal cells. Moreover, the bioactive compound, phytosterols, is present in sufficient quantities in nutmeg. This compound protects against colon cancer by slowing down the reproduction of cells in the large intestine.

Jaiphal for a healthy heart
Nutmeg improves blood lipids and reduces oxidative stress. It also lowers triglycerides levels (bad cholesterol).

Jaiphal for blood pressure
Nutmeg helps manage hypertension. As this spice is rich in magnesium, potassium, and calcium, it helps to control high blood pressure.

Boost Appetite
Chewing betel nut is used to stimulate appetite and increase saliva flow for digestion.

Increase Energy Levels
Betel nut is used as a stimulant for increasing alertness and stamina and giving the user a sense of well-being and euphoria. It has also been used as a stimulant for libido and to alleviate symptoms of excessive heat.

Eye Care
Betel nut is known for treating eye disorders like glaucoma.

•Detoxify the Body
In traditional medicines, betel nut was often used as a detoxifier, and a treatment to remove parasites and kill worms. It has the ability to stimulate gastrointestinal activity, helping with flatulence or constipation. Betel nuts are also traditionally used to prevent bad breath and phlegm. They are often chewed before traveling to help prevent nausea.

•Stroke Recovery
Research suggests that betel nut extract has been used to help stroke victims recover by helping improve speech, bladder function, and strength.

•Manage Schizophrenia
Betel nut is also known to manage the symptoms of schizophrenia, though this does come with some side effects.

•Oral Health
These nuts are particularly useful for dry mouth sufferers, whether from disease or medication. Betel nuts have antibacterial qualities, which have led the extracts to be used as an ingredient in oral healthcare products. It is thought to help keep gums and teeth strong, and prevent cavities.

•Balancing the Blood
Betel nuts are used in folk medicine for treating symptoms of anemia as they help boost iron levels. The tannins in betel nuts can also lower high blood pressure.

Skincare: Take the equal amount of powder of Acorus calamus, symplocos racemosa, and rice powder. Now pounded it with cow’s milk and apply on the pimples and acne. The regular application helps disappear in three days if applied properly and religiously.
•Impotency: To enhance your sex life, take the equal proportions of Vacha, Withania Somnifera, Piper longum, Saussurea Lappa, and Datura Seeds. Make a fine powder and sieve it. Now take 1 gm of it and mix with 10 gm of cow’s ghee and rub gently on the male genital organ daily. Continue for 21 to 41 days.
•Strengthens male organ: Take the equal portion of Acorus calamus, Sida cordifolia, Sida spinosa, Saussurea Auriculata, Scindapsus Officinalis, Physalis Flexuosa and Neriumodorum. Make a fine powder of all these herbs and mix with butter. If a male organ is besmeared with this daily, a very thin one will attain the normal size.
•Improve mental performance: Take the 10-gram powder each of Vacha, Brahmi, and Shankhapushpi. Mix and take 1 teaspoonful twice a day with water or honey. This is a very effective formulation used in the management of mental disorders.
•Memory tonic: Take Vacha powder (1/2 teaspoon) and Brahmi powder (1/4 teaspoon). Mix and take it with butter and mishri and take it early in the morning. It sharpens memory, intellect, and refreshes the mind.
•Piles: Take 10 grams each of Vacha root, Indian Hemp, and ajwain. Make a fine powder of these and use them as fumigation in the painful condition of Piles.
•Loss of appetite: Take 10 grams each of Calamus root, Asafoetida, Aconitum heterophyllum, Long pepper, Black pepper, Ginger, TerminaliaChebula, and Saunchal Salt. Make a fine powder and mix them well all together. It can be used in case of loss of appetite, indigestion, etc.
•Urinary Stones: Take Calamus rhizome (two-ounce), Coriander(one ounce), piper nigrum (1 piece), and Water (1 pint). Boil it and reduce to 12 ounces of water. This is a decoction used for the ailments of urinary stones. One ounce of this decoction is given to adults thrice a day and add one teaspoon full of sugar in case of children, twice or thrice a day. It should be continued till the symptoms subsidies.
•Calamus tea: Calamus rhizome (Small piece) and Water (2 cup ). Cut calamus rhizome into small pieces and allow to boil on mild heat
till the water is reduced to half. Now, add milk and sugar. Now, the calamus tea is prepared.
•For abscess: To cure abscess, one should take mustard seed, terminaliachebula, asafetida, Vacha, moringaoleifera, and calotropisprocera. After pounded with amla juice, besmear the affected part and bandage with the silky cloth for some time. It will subside the swelling.

Manages Diabetes
The exceptional hypoglycaemic property of pippali plays a significant role in assuaging the blood sugar levels of the body. The production of insulin from the β-pancreatic cells becomes active on taking pippali churna. It helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which in turn leads to low blood glucose levels.

Shields Against Infections
The biochemical compounds present in this aromatic herb has been used since ancient times to shield the body against various infections. Thanks to its strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antifungal properties, pippali is not only used for removing bacteria or germs from the body but also used for treating and healing wounds.

Aids In Weight Loss
Touted for its natural fat-burning properties, this aromatic spice effectively detoxifies the body by removing AMA toxins and reduces sudden hunger pangs and a craving for unhealthy foods. It improves digestion, reduces the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body, thereby improving metabolism and helping the body to shed weight faster.

Relieves Menstrual Problems
In the days leading up to the menstrual cycle, the hormones get haywire and can often lead to PMS symptoms like mood swings, stomach cramps etc. Pippali has been used since time immemorial for managing the heavy menstrual flow and combating menstrual cramps. Ancient healers used to give, pippali powder to induce contractions during delivery and even afterward to improve healing.

Promotes Digestion

Imbued with excellent carminative and digestive properties, Pippali even helps in treating a host of digestive woes. The potent anti-flatulent property reduces the formation of gas in the alimentary canal, thus reducing flatulence, bloating, constipation, and abdominal distension. Thanks to its powerful antacid property, the herb prevents the formation of excessive acids in the stomach thereby treating indigestion, ulcer, gastritis and promoting better absorption of nutrients in the body.

Enhances Libido

Boasted for being a natural aphrodisiac, Pippali helps in reducing mental stress and anxiety and stimulates the hormones for increasing libido in both men and women. It also increases virility and stamina in men. Proper consumption on doctor’s recommendation promotes longevity and can also be used as an incredible remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Tagara or Valerian Wallichi is a hairy perennial herb that has been used widely in traditional medicines for ages, owing to its incredible medicinal and therapeutic properties. It is a kind of valerian, known as Indian valerian, that belongs to the Valerianeaceae family and holds an important place in the Ayurvedic manuscripts. Tagara grows up to 40-45cm in height in temperate regions of the Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan. The leaves are pinnate bearing unisexual flowers that are white or slightly pinkish in colour. There are mainly two varieties of tagara -Nighantus Tagara and Pinda Tagara.

Tagara is known by other vernacular names such as Tagar Ganthoda in Gujarati, Mushkabala in Kannada, Tagarai in Tamil, Tagaramool in Marathi, and Sugandha Bala in Punjabi.

Promotes Sleep
Tagara is a proven natural cure for treating insomnia, exerts soporific action on the body and mind that improves the quality of sleep and reduces sleepless nights. This herbal root is one of the best alternative medicines for insomnia treatment, when combined with Jatamansi powder and Ashwagandha powder offer better results.

Potent Neuroprotective
Tagara rhizome extract is credited to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the brain and enhances brain sustenance. It serves as an effective nerve tonic and lessens mental stress and exhaustion. This wonder herb prevents oxidative damage of brain cells and is valuable in easing neurodegeneration disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Regulates Blood Pressure
Tagara is known to possess antihypertensive and antispasmodic effects that help to lower blood pressure and alleviates muscle spasms. However, the potent hypotensive activity of Tagara appear with a high dose that is not safe, hence it is blended in some antihypertensive formulations as a supportive medicine.

Treats Asthma
The powerful extracts of Tagara relax and dilate the airways and enhance air passage into the lungs owing to its bronchodilatory activity. The right blend of Tagara root when combined with Pushkarmool and Kuth helps to mitigative the symptoms of asthma and breathe well.

Remedies Chronic Fever
As per the science of ayurvedic medicine, Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha become infected during an episode of chronic fever. Lethargy, apathy, fatigue, exhaustion, and debility are some of the common symptoms associated with fever. Tagara powder works incredibly well to combat chronic fever and lessen the symptoms. For the best result, it is taken along with Vasant Malti Ras.

Mulethi sticks given to a coughing child, has been a remedy of grandmothers through the ages. And today the world is waking up to the vast benefits that Mulethi or Licorice has to offer. A perennial herb that is indigenous to parts of Europe and Asia has been used for centuries in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine as an expectorant. It is widely used in the western world as a flavouring agent due to the natural sweetness of licorice extract; it is used to flavour candies, tobacco, and alcohol, artificial and natural sweeteners.Today studies on glycyrrhizin (a saponin responsible for the sweetness of licorice) have shown promising results in the treatment of many health conditions.


So here are some benefits of mulethi

Boosts Immunity

Daily use of Mulethi is known to boost immunity. The enzymes present in the roots of Licorice plant, help the body produce lymphocytes and macrophages which are the body’s natural defense against microbes, pollutants, allergens and cells which cause autoimmune diseases.

Controls Cholesterol Levels

Anti-oxidants present in licorice root are responsible for dilating blood vessels, avoid accumulation of plaque in arteries and veins, and regulate the quantity of fat in the blood.

Increases Fertility In Women

Mulethi reduces testosterone levels in women suffering from PCOD, thereby increases chances of conception. The estrogen like properties of mulethi combined with its anti-spasmodic properties make it a remedy for menstrual cramps.

Cures Skin Ailments

Mulethi is an emollient which helps maintain skin health.

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